Emma Murray's oath

I Emma Murray formerly of No 8 Thomas Street Windsor in the State of Victoria but now of No 81 Rowena Parade Richmond in the State of Victoria make oath and say:

1 That my lawful attorney Abijah Murray of No 50 Fountainhall Road Edinburgh in Scotland Civil Servant is seeking to procure me confirmed executrix to the Will of John Murray formerly of No 8 Thomas Street Windsor aforesaid but late of No 81 Rowena Parade Richmond aforesaid Commercial Traveller deceased.

2 That the said deceased died in the seventh day of December in the year one thousand nine hundred and four at Macedon in the said state of Victoria.

3 That the said deceased left a will bearing date the sixteenth day of September in the year one thousand eight hundred and eighty one which is as I verily believe the last Will and Testament of the said deceased and which is unrevoked as I verily believe.

4 That by his said will the said testator appointed me this deponent sole executrix thereof.

5 That the paperwriting hereunto annexed marked A is the said last Will of the said deceased as I verily believe.

6 That I am the widow of the said deceased and am identical with the Emma Murray referred to in the said last Will marked A.

7 The said Will marked A was executed in the presence of Daniel Callaghan of Melbourne Storeman and William Crozier of Melbourne Stationer.

Sworn by the deponent Emma Murray at Melbourne in the State of Victoria the twenty eighth day of February in the year 1905.

The oath is signed by Emma Murray and by William Henry Cubley, the Notary Public, Melbourne.

Mr Cubley adds the following:

“To all to whom these presents shall come I William Henry Cubley Notay Public duly authorised admitted and sworn practising in the City of Melbourne State of Victoria Commonwealth of Australia Do hereby Certify that Emma Murray the person named in the foregoing Affadavit was duly sworn to the truth thereof before me on the day of the date thereof and that the name “Emma Murray” thereto subscribed is of the proper handwriting of the said Emma Murray.

In testimony whereof I have hereunto subscribed my name and affixed my seal of Office this twenty eighth day of February 1905.”


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