Testimonials in Favour of John McDiarmid MB & CM, Edin

The testimonials were all printed and bound into an A5 sized pamphlet.



Allow me to offer myself as a Candidate for the Chair of Anatomy and Physiology in the University of Otago.

I am a Bachelor of Medicine and Master in Surgery of the University of Edinburgh. I graduated with honours in 1874.

During my course of medical study I obtained, by competitive examination, first-class honours in Anatomy, Practical Physiology, Midwifery, and Clinical Surgery. In addition to honours I was awarded medals in Natural History, Forensic Medicine, Practice of Medicine, and Medical Psychology and Mental Diseases. In the last-mentioned subject I gained the Gilchrist Prize. In the class of Systematic Surgery taught by Dr Joseph Bell I was a Prizeman.

Previous to entering on my medical studies I went through the Arts Curriculum of the Edinburgh University, and obtained honours in Logic and Moral Philosophy.

After graduation I was for fifteen months Assistant Physician to the Perth District Asylum. During that period I studied the physiological and therapeutical actions of drugs. I performed and recorded upwards of six hundred experiments in this study, the results of which have been in part published in the "Journal of Mental Science".

On resigning this appointment I studied Physiology in Edinburgh for six months. I was then appointed Demonstrator of Anatomy and Lecturer on Practical Physiology in the University of Durham College of Medicine, which appointments I have held for a year.

During last Summer Session I delivered upwards of sixty lectures on Practical Physiology. During the present Winter Session I have had entire charge of the class of Practical Anatomy, and have, by special request of the Council of the College, undertaken the duties of a Lecturer on Anatomy, on which subject I have delivered a part of the systematic lectures.

I am twenty-seven years of age, and by persuasion a Presbyterian.

I am, Gentlemen, Your obedient Servant,

University of Durham College of Medicine,
7 March 1877


FROM: GEORGE YEOMAN HEATH, President of the Durham University College of Medicine; Lecturer on Surgery; Senior Surgeon to the Newcastle Infirmary, and Eye Infirmary &c.

Westgate Road, Newcastle-on-Tyne, 6 March 1877

Dr McDiarmid has held the conjoined offices of Co-Lecturer on Anatomy, Lecturer on Practical Physiology, Demonstrator of anatomy, and Medical tutor and Curator of the Museum at the University of Durham College of Medicine in Newcastle-on-Tyne, for one winter and one summer session, and has discharged these somewhat onerous duties with success, having given satisfaction both to the members of the College and to the students.

Dr McDiarmid had shown himself to be a good anatomist, and to be familiar with the modern doctrines of Psychology as well as with the various apparatus employed in the demonstrations of Practical Physiology.

I am of opinion that Dr McDiarmid is well fitted to hold a chair of Anatomy and Physiology, and will prove a useful and valuable member of any College or University.


FROM: GEORGE HARE PHILIPSON MA, MD, Cantab, Fellow of the Royal College of Physicians, Professor of Medicine in the University of Durham, Physician to the Newcastle-upon-Tyne Infirmary &c.

7 Eldon Square, Newcastle-upon-Tyne, 28 February 1877

I have much pleasure in giving testimony of my opinion of Dr John McDiarmid, MB, MC of the University of Edinburgh.

Dr McDiarmid has been Medical Tutor and Demonstrator of Anatomy and Physiology at the University of Durham College of Medicine, Newcastle-upon-Tyne, for twelve months.

Dr McDiarmid possesses a sound and correct knowledge of Human Anatomy and Physiology, both theoretical and practical, and has been most successful with the students who have attended his classes.

Dr McDiarmid is an able Lecturer and is clear in his descriptions and very apt in his illustrations and in his deductions.

Dr McDiarmid, from his attainments, and from the experience he has already had, is, in my opinion, well qualified for the office of Professor of Anatomy in the University of Otago, New Zealand.


FROM: FREDERICK PAGE MD Edin MRCS Eng, Lecturer on Medical Jurisprudence University of Durham College of Medicine, Newcastle-on-Tyne; Assistant Surgeon Newcastle Infirmary; Hon Sec of the Medical School.

University of Durham College of Medicine, Newcastle-on-Tyne, 1 March 1877

I am satisfied that Dr McDiarmid is particularly well qualified to fill the chair of Anatomy and Physiology in the University of Otago. During the two sessions Dr McDiarmid has taught Anatomy and Physiology here, he has distinguished himself by his knowledge and ability as an instructor, and were it not that this school would sustain a very serious loss by Dr McDiarmid's removal from it, I should be delighted to learn that he had obtained the appointment for which he is now a candidate.


FROM: BYROM BRAMWELL MB, Edin, Physician and Pathologist to the Newcastle-on-Tyne Infirmary; Joint Lecturer on Clinical Medicine and Pathology in the University of Durham College of Medicine; Late Secretary to the University of Durham College of Medicine, Newcastle-on-Tyne.

University of Durham College of Medicine, Newcastle-on-Tyne 28 February 1877

Understanding that Dr John McDiarmid is about to become a candidate for the Professorship of anatomy and Physiology in the University of Otago, I beg to express the very high opinion which I entertain of his talents and acquirements, and to say that I believe him to be eminently well qualified for the office.

Dr McDiarmid has acted for the past year as Demonstrator of Anatomy and Medical Tutor in this School of Medicine. He has also delivered a three months� course of Practical Physiology, and, at the special request of the Council, has given a portion (one third) of the winter course of lectures on anatomy.

In all of these capacities Dr McDiarmid has given the greatest satisfaction both to students and teachers.

In addition to being thoroughly well up in Anatomy, Physiology and other professional subjects, he is particularly well informed in general literature. He is a clear demonstrator and speaker, and possesses the faculty so essential in a teacher of arresting and keeping the attention of his audience.

I shall be extremely sorry if Dr McDiarmid leaves us, but will rejoice to see him get that advancement which he so well deserves. I can cordially recommend his professionally and personally for the office which he now seeks.


FROM: W CHRIS ARNISON MD, Surgeon to the Newcastle-on-Tyne Infirmary. Lecturer on Surgery in the Newcastle-on-Tyne College of Medicine.

45, Northumberland Street, Newcastle-on-Tyne, 6 March 1877

I have known Dr John McDiarmid for upwards of 12 months, during which he has acted as Demonstrator of Anatomy and Teacher of Practical Physiology in the College of Medicine in this town. He is an able Anatomist and Physiologist, and a good Teacher, and popular with the students. I have every confidence in recommending him for any professional appointment in connection with Anatomy and Physiology.


FROM: GEORGE H HUME MD EDIN, Lecturer on Physiology in the University of Durham College of Medicine at Newcastle-on-Tyne

57 Westgate Road Newcastle-on-Tyne

I have pleasure in stating that I believe Dr McDiarmid to be well qualified to fill the chair of Anatomy and Physiology in the University of Otago.

Dr McDiarmid has undergone a thorough scientific training. He is well versed in modern methods of research and accurately acquainted with the present state of Anatomical and Physiological Science. He has further shown great skill and tact in imparting knowledge; and as Demonstrator of Anatomy and Lecturer on Practical Physiology in the University of Durham College of Medicine, he has been both diligent and successful as a teacher.

I believe Dr McDiarmid to be possessed of great energy of character as well as scientific zeal. He would, therefore, prove a valuable addition to the teaching staff of any University.


FROM: T S CLOUSTON MD, FRCPE, Physician Superintendent of Royal Edinburgh Asylum; Co-Editor Journal of Mental Science

Royal Edinburgh Asylum for the Insane, Edinburgh, 27 February 1877

I have much pleasure in bearing my testimony to the qualifications of Dr McDiarmid for the position of Professor of Anatomy at Otago. I have known him for several years, and have read his original communications to the medical journals, so that I can speak very strongly as to his great ability and energy, his enthusiasm, and his knowledge of his profession. I shall leave others to speak as to his teaching power. I am sure he would make an excellent Professor.


FROM: W C McINTOSH MD, FRSE, FLS, Medical Superintendent Perth County Asylum; Examiner in Natural History, Edinburgh University

Murthly, 1 March 1877

I have much pleasure in testifying to the qualifications of Mr John McDiarmid, MB & CM, for the chair of Anatomy and Physiology in the University of Otago.

His career as a Student of Medicine in the University of Edinburgh was a distinguished one, and he graduated with honours in 1874.

As my colleague for 15 months after graduating, I had full opportunity of observing his unflagging industry in the pursuit of knowledge, the wide range of his acquirements, and his agreeable bearing.

Further, under Prof McKendrick, of Glasgow, he has specially studied all the modern appliances of the Physiological Laboratory, and the success with which he has concluded the class of Practical Physiology in the University of Durham College of Medicine, is a proof of his energy and ability in this respect. At the request of the Council of the College he has also lately given a course of Lectures on Systematic Anatomy, so that his training for this vacant office is both extensive and varied.

From all I know of Mr McDiarmid, I can recommend him as an earnest and able young worker, who would spare no labour to make a reputation for the chair for which he is a candidate.


FROM: J O AFFLECK MD, FRCPE, Assistant to the Professor of Medical Jurisprudence, University of Edinburgh

12 Claremont Place, Edinburgh 5 March 1877

I have much pleasure in expressing the strong opinion I entertain of the eminent fitness of Mr John McDiarmid, MB for the chair of Anatomy and Physiology in the University of Otago, New Zealand.

I have known Mr McDiarmid since his college days and have watched his career with much interest. Mr McDiarmid possesses that high intelligence and thorough education in general literature which are of acknowledged importance in one who aspires to the position of Professor in a University; while his professional abilities and attainments are proved by the distinguished position he took throughout his whole curriculum at the University and his graduation there. Mr McDiarmid's special qualifications for the chair, for which he is now a Candidate, rest on the fact that during the past year he has filled the office of Lecturer on Anatomy and Practical Physiology in the Durham University School of Medicine with marked ability and success, acquiring at the same time an amount of experience in teaching, which could not fail to be of signal service to him in entering on the duties of a University chair. Mr McDiarmid is a man of great capacity for work, and of indomitable energy, and I have every confidence in expressing my firm persuasion that should he obtain the appointment for which he now applies, he will prove himself in every way worthy of such a highly honourable position.



Gateshead-on-Tyne, 7 March 1877

I have great pleasure in bearing testimony to the abilities and general fitness of Dr McDiarmid for the chair of Anatomy and Physiology, vacant at the University of Otago. I have had abundant opportunities of forming an opinion of him, socially as well as professionally, and feel satisfied that he will discharge the duties pertaining to the office to the honour of the University and with credit to himself.


FROM: THOMAS LAYCOCK MD, Late, Professor of Practice of Physic and clinical Medicine, University of Edinburgh; Physician-in-Ordinary to the Queen in Scotland

University of Edinburgh, 26 March 1875

Mr John McDiarmid is a Bachelor of Medicine and Master of Surgery of this University. When a student he was well known to me as a steady, hard worker, and as a result, distinguished himself in my Classes of the Practice of Medicine and of Medical Psychology and Mental Diseases by taking the highest class honours.


FROM: DOUGLAS MACLAGAN MD, Professor of Medical Jurisprudence University of Edinburgh

University of Edinburgh, 7 March 1877

I have much pleasure in bearing testimony to the professional and scientific acquirements of Mr John McDiarmid who is MB and CM (with honours) of this University.

Mr McDiarmid is well known to me by his having been a distinguished member of my class of Medical Jurisprudence in 1874, in which he obtained at the Competitive Examinations one of the University Medals. He also acted as a Clinical Clerk under me in the Royal Infirmary and discharged the duties of his office with great assiduity and success.

Of Mr McDiarmid's special acquaintance with Anatomy and Physiology it does not become me to speak, but the fact of his having taught these departments of science in the Durham College of Medicine at Newcastle, ought to be thoroughly in his favour in regard to his present Candidature. I am sure of this, that no man can teach these important branches successfully unless, in addition to the special knowledge, he has a thorough acquaintance with those other departments of Medical Science on which they have so important a bearing. The possession of the good general professional knowledge by Mr McDiarmid makes me confident that he would make an excellent Professor of Anatomy and Physiology in the University of Otago.


FROM: ALEX R SIMPSON MD, Professor of Midwifery, University of Edinburgh

52 Queen Street, Edinburgh, 6 March 1877

I am unable to speak of the special Anatomical and Physiological qualifications of Mr John McDiarmid MB, but I can testify very strongly to the high character which he bore, and the eminent ability which he displayed, as a student in the Edinburgh University.

In my own department I was struck with the talent and devotion which he manifested both in the theoretical and practical classes. I was not surprised, therefore, to find him at the close of the session in the honours list, and graduating with honours which proved him to have been equally diligent in other departments of medicine.

Seeing his force of character, his natural abilities and his power of application, I have acquired the conviction that he will succeed in whatever work he undertakes, either as a teacher or a practitioner.


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